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on a watershed scale

for over
27 years


 The Hawk Creek Watershed drains approximately 623,105 acres (974 square miles) of land in Chippewa, Kandiyohi, and Renville Counties.  It is comprised of a main tributary (Hawk Creek) and several other streams that flow directly into the Minnesota River.


Best Management Practices

Best Management Practices (BMPs) are used to protect and/or restore areas with water quality, erosion, and water quantity problems.  Check out the BMPs page to see some of the latest projects we have worked on.


The Hawk Creek Watershed is currently going through its second Watershed Approach and WRAPS cycle.  Read more to find out where we are in the cycle and how your input is important to future watershed activities.

The Hawk Creek Watershed covers      portions of Chippewa, Kandiyohi, 

and Renville Counties.

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